To Choose or Not to Choose
Perthshire, Scotland
And so it goes on.
Day in and day out. He lied. She lied. They all lied!
Whether it’s the US Presidential election, the disintegration of the British Labour party, or the fantasy politics of the SNP here in Scotland, the lies and disinformation keep on spewing forth from the mouths of tinpot pygmy politicians.
They just can’t help themselves.
If told that their opposition says the sky is a lovely shade of blue, their answer will be anything which makes it look like they aren’t in agreement.
This is not a recent phenomenon, but with the advent of 24/7 news and social media experts, the lies are much more noticeable.
Well, they are to anymore with a modicum of intelligence and independent thought. Some people prefer not to acknowledge this blatant lying and keep their heads firmly up their own arses. This saves having to face up to the reality of modern politics.
There is now a tendency to accept lies as long as they are from the preferred candidate. In fact it appears as if they actively approve of their political idol lying for their cause. How can people think this is a good thing? What makes a moderately rational person want to believe every utterance from a proven liar? Could this be a mob like mentality? Follow the herd and all will be well?
This type of mass belief has become more obvious in the last few years. If you have concerns about the veracity of the politicians, one of their toadies will reassure you that it’s not the politicians who are lying, it’s their enemies who are spreading the poison words.
No political party is immune to this type of illusion. Tell the faithful to go out and spread the word like evangelical fanatics! Religion has become the template for politicians now.
Once you have a core of believers whose views cannot be shifted even with heavy lifting equipment and explosives, you have the power to make other people agree with your vision of how the future should look.
Catch your core supporters young enough to be moulded into whatever political shape you want and send them out to convert the masses to your way of thinking. It’s happening right in front of our eyes and no one seems to see anything wrong with this quite creepy approach.
Once these evangelists are out spreading the word and knocking on doors, any gullible people who probably don’t have much else in their lives, are swept up by the party and made to feel like part of a big cosy family. Now they’re hooked and want to get other lonely people involved.
This is how dictatorships begin. Make the disenfranchised feel like they have a purpose and the support of the party machine, oops family, and they will go out and bring more needy people into the fold. This makes loyalty to the party seem natural and secure.
The hard left and the equally hard right in politics have always used this device to maintain control of their people.
Any deviation from the party line is punished severely. The person would be humiliated publicly and made to feel guilty and ashamed of their transgression, however minor. Control has to be maintained by the top at all times. No independent thought can be tolerated.
In any election, the opposition will be vilified and demeaned. Nothing they say is true. Their candidates will be pelted with eggs and abuse, but regardless of whether this is witnessed or not, it never happened.
This is how dictatorships work. If they say it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen!
So, think for themselves, ask awkward questions and don’t answer the door to teenagers holding clipboards or, more likely, iPads!
Follow The Party of Common Sense on Twitter, at @tpocs
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Michael J Blair contributes political analysis to DDA, and he can be reached at: His Twitter handle is: @mmjblair
[Thinking Man art piece courtesy of Andreas Praefcke, Wikimedia Commons; Penny for Your Thoughts graphic from National Archives and Records Information, College Park]
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