Out Out Out! What’s Next After Brexit?
Perthshire, Scotland
Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I could still hear the drone of desperate political commentators interviewing each other. They had to because there had only been a couple of results in the EU referendum and nothing could be extrapolated from the voting. There wasn’t enough data!
Oh my God! It’s what these people live on! What would they do?
Questions of considerable stupidity were thrown out, hoping someone could say something about the nothing, which was happening, or wasn’t as was the case.
Confused? You are not alone.
Experts in polling were introduced, only to find that there was no exit poll to talk about! One had trouble with percentages and had to rely on one of the panel to point out what 10% of 4.5 million was! This was a taste of what was to come.
First we heard that the pound had soared in value as the obviously planned rumours that Remain were definitely ahead plus Gibraltar had voted overwhelmingly not to vote Leave. Big surprise there, not!
Within ten minutes, Newcastle had narrowly voted to Remain, contrary to opinion polls. (I did point out in another article that just because someone tells a polling company something, it doesn’t mean they are being truthful. I just means that a secret ballot is exactly that. Secret)
This had the effect of making all in the studio, except a lonely Leaver, look aghast. Could this be turning out differently to what was in the script? We were told that the pound had plummeted on this news! Disaster catastrophe, we’re all doomed, seemed to be the BBC line.
After what seemed an eternity, but was probably no more than fifteen minutes, the Sunderland result came in, big majority for Leaving!
By this time, experienced BBC political pundits were wailing and gnashing their teeth as they rolled around the floor. The very thought that the great unwashed, were actually thinking for themselves, was so shocking, they couldn’t take it in. The chair of the studio panel, was beginning to talk gibberish and looking for someone to tell him it was all a dream. A very bad dream.
A financial expert told the panel that the markets were in meltdown and the Bank of England had inploded. The Governor of the Bank had been seen running down the street without trousers, screaming that he wanted to go back to Canada! Yes, it was that bad!
Back in the studio, there were people drinking whisky straight from bottle and chain smoking very thin roll ups! I could see, well when the camera operator wasn’t howling with laughter and jiggling the camera around, a pair of legs sticking out from under the table. The place was in total chaos!
The metropolitan elite were in retreat from reality. This wasn’t meant to happen. This was unthinkable. This was the end.
The world as they knew it, was over. No more sneering at anyone who had a different opinion to theirs. They might end up being the ones on the receiving end. But I doubt that. The people who voted Leave, had they lost, would have been magnanimous in defeat.
This morning, the studio is still smouldering from the small fire caused by two Remain politicians who spontaneously combusted around 4:00 am!
People are shuffling around like zombies, looking at the ground, unable to make eye contact with anyone who might have been on the winning side. But there is no sense of triumphalism, just a quiet self satisfaction that a movement, a grass roots movement, had given the political elite a very bloody nose!
Of course the BBC television news is still in a state of shock at the result and can’t seem to be able to take it in. This is like an earthquake rippling through the seriously left leaning corporation!
Huge change will happen and some people will have to look very closely at themselves. David Cameron will resign by October and we will have a new Prime minister, and probably a general election in November to clear the air and give someone else a new mandate to govern.
This is going to be a turbulent period in British history, but one which was needed. The public have spoken and nothing will be quite the same again.
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Michael J Blair contributes political analysis to DDA, and he can be reached at: michaelblair43@googlemail.com. His Twitter handle is: @mmjblair
[header photo is Symbol of Brexit, by Rlevente, Wikimedia Commons]