MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland And so it goes on. Day in and day out. He lied. She lied. They all lied! Whether it’s the US Presidential election, the disintegration
Tag "american politics"
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland Sometimes even the best thought out master plans can go spectacularly wrong. I have been following the US Presidential circus more closely in recent weeks.
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland As a long time watcher and listener of politicians and politics, I have been wondering just when corruption became the norm rather than the exception.
ERIC CHAET (originally posted at 100 Peculiarly Useful So Called Poems) Every inner turmoil absorbs attention & requires temporary or final resolution before progress can be made— likewise every conflict
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland A dreary Nixon working the crowd Let me be clear, I’m not American! I have American
DAN RUDY Portland, OR Obviously it has been happening for years, as steadily as a runaway glacier: the polarisation of
William F Buckley Jr complains: I think the observable reluctance of the majority of Americans to assert themselves in minor
JEFF NEUMAN Los Angeles (originally posted at Rants and More) In Hunter S. Thompson’s political classic Fear and Loathing on