Brexit Isn’t A Word…It’s Bollocks!
Perthshire, Scotland
I suppose it was bound to come to this. A few left leaning champagne socialist nobodies take the government to court to attempt to derail the democratic process.
The whole reason for a binding referendum is so the public has the opportunity to make a decision based on all available lies, oops, information and facts!

credit: DonkeyHotey
In reality, the lies from one side of the argument were believed by more people than believed the lies from the other liars! At this point I really don’t care who said what about whom, or whether leaving/staying is in the best interests of the country. The whole mess is just typical of the way politicians and politics go about doing anything.
Prime Minister May has never openly said if she was for or against the EU. In fact her arse must be sore from all the fence sitting. As we know, these people would chew their own arms off if it meant the possibility of career advancement, so a bit of discomfort is nothing for someone like her!
It looks like Mrs May decided to go with whatever decision was taken after the referendum. If it had been to stay, she would have been a fervent supporter of the merits of the EU and always had been. Because as it was a result for leaving, she was able to become a champion of the cause and trigger article 50 as soon as possible.
Or has she?
Now that the judges have decided that a parliamentary vote is even more democratic than the will of the people, she is going to appeal the decision. Which of course is the government’s prerogative.
If the ruling isn’t overturned, will she make a lot of noise but eventually accept the court’s decision and allow a free vote on the decision to leave? Or will she make a lot of noise and decide this is unacceptable and call an early general election?
From what I have seen of her already, I don’t think an early election is likely due to a fixed term of five years between general elections. Plus the fact that she would like to be Prime Minister for a few years! But I’m sure there will be a way round that if necessary. There’s always a loophole built into these “laws!”
I don’t believe that many in government really wanted Britain to leave the EU in the first place. It looked like political opportunism on the part of some ministers and ex ministers, trying to get rid of David Cameron and angling to get the top job themselves.
Boris Johnson managed to do all of that and then become Foreign Secretary.
This of course backfired spectacularly on Michael Gove, leaving him high and dry, without a leg to stand on as well as many other clichés! But his chances of getting back into government aren’t as slim as I first thought.
His prison reform ideas were going to make a big difference on how prisons are run and prisoners are treated! He may be called back in to see the reform programme through parliament.
I hear cries of betrayal over this court “victory,” but something like this was bound to happen. Why Mrs May is so wound up about it, can only be down to bad acting. I’m fairly sure she would be perfectly happy to stay in the EU and keep complaining on behalf of the Great British public.
It’s what politicians do best, apart from lying!
No matter what happens, some people will be unhappy! It’s just the way life is, unfortunately. If we run our lives believing anything politicians tell us, then we deserve everything we get!
These despicable duplicitous double crossing dickheads should never be listened to, never mind believed.
Remember the mantra: Never idolise a politician! Think independently and keep an open mind on all things political!
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[Britain over EU graphic courtesy of Hogweard, public domain, Wikimedia Commons; Theresa May caricature courtesy of DonkeyHotey, Wikimedia Commons]
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