Hypocritical Cretins Living in an Xbox Reality
Perthshire, Scotland
The childish demonstrations going on in the US shame what was once a shining example of democracy. Regardless of who won, the losing side should always act with dignity!
The left leaning types always pull this shit. If these people were Trump supporters, there would be universal condemnation! And I would have been one of the people condemning the protests!
This inability to accept a democratic vote is something relatively new. We saw it after the Scottish independence referendum, when the vote for independence was 45% and against was 55%. The people who wanted independence were outraged at the result!
They had been convinced or had convinced themselves that the result could only be Yes. This is very dangerous. If people demand a vote for whatever reason, they must be prepared to lose. It’s a fifty fifty chance. There is no third way in a two horse race.
Similarly in the EU referendum, the left thought it couldn’t lose. Demonstrations were held to have the referendum rerun. This isn’t a video game. This is real life, where there is no reset button, and you keep going until you’re successful. Life isn’t like that.
This not accepting the result of elections, has appeared more prevalent since the Xbox generation have become old enough to vote. Even in schools, failing isn’t really a major problem. Very little emphasis is put on the philosophy of the acceptance of reality.
Unfortunately we live in a real world where life isn’t fair, and some of us will not be living comfortable lives, with every electronic device under the sun.
We will face difficult and heartbreaking decisions on a variety of things. Having to do hard manual work to feed your family and keep a roof over your heads.
None of us can press rewind and see if we can do better the next time! Life is what it is and we have to accept many decisions which we think are unfair. There are decisions which can and should be challenged, but a democratic vote is not one of these. If you can’t lose with dignity, don’t play the game.
It is children who shout “this isn’t fair” when something doesn’t go their way. This is why children don’t get to vote. They don’t yet understand how a democratic election works. Once they are adults, they are trusted to listen to the arguments of the candidates and make up their minds accordingly.
This is done so that people know what they are voting for. Or at least, that’s the theory. As we know, politicians are lying toads, and cannot be trusted to tell us the colour of the sky, without looking shifty! But that is something we have to take into consideration before we vote.
I know how worried people were about how the Trump support would react if and when he lost. There was a real fear of violence against minorities and women. No one thought about what would happen if Trump actually won the election!
Apart from the ludicrous demonstrations across the USA, there have been people talking about leaving the country and others in floods of tears. I understand why people are distressed about the result. But marching through cities, making themselves and their country look stupid, isn’t the answer.
The next day the sun rose and the world hasn’t ended.
This is the reality.
The people had obviously had enough of the cosy status quo, and wanted change. This will be repeated in many other countries across the globe, with some being a success and others not. Politicians have only themselves to blame for what has happened.
They have lied about everything and nothing ever happens to them. They have lost the respect of the public worldwide. People see them as the parasites and lying scumbags that they always have been! At some point, this kind of cataclysmic political event was going to happen, and in America, on Tuesday it happened!
European people are equally sick of lying politicians and similar upheavals will be more common in the coming months. And I expect there will be similar puerile demonstrations by the privileged left.
Once again, I say, grow up and accept you aren’t going to always get your own way. Adversity is a good thing to experience now and again. Keeps complacency at bay.
Remember, never idolise a politician or an ideology. We have seen the effects of that folly this week!
Follow The Party of Common Sense on Twitter, at @tpocs
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Michael J Blair contributes political analysis to DDA, and he can be reached at: michaelblair43@googlemail.com. His Twitter handle is: @mmjblair
[protest outside of Trump Tower, photo by oinonio, Wikimedia Commons]
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