Violent Radical Mainstream Muslims: In the World of the FBI
September 15
Spencer Ackerman writes:
The FBI is teaching its counterterrorism agents that “main stream” [sic] American Muslims are likely to be terrorist sympathizers; that the Prophet Mohammed was a “cult leader”; and that the Islamic practice of giving charity is no more than a “funding mechanism for combat.”At the Bureau’s training ground in Quantico, Virginia, agents are shown a chart contending that the more “devout” a Muslim, the more likely he is to be “violent.” Those destructive tendencies cannot be reversed, an FBI instructional presentation adds: “Any war against non-believers is justified” under Muslim law; a “moderating process cannot happen if the Koran continues to be regarded as the unalterable word of Allah.”
These are excerpts from dozens of pages of recent FBI training material on Islam that Danger Room has acquired. In them, the Constitutionally protected religious faith of millions of Americans is portrayed as an indicator of terrorist activity.
Thankfully, we just celebrated the 9/11 tenth anniversary, and we basked in the glory of our American freedom(s). While some of us roasted weenies and enjoyed our liberty, others were continuing their hunt for American Muslims.
But I will tell you right now, I would stand up for a practitioner of Islam before I would defend a person of FBI faith.
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