Lindsey Graham is warning America that if we don’t bomb Syria, America very well might get nuked. That nuclear device won’t be delivered on the edge of a missile zipping
Tag "al qaeda terrorist"
DDA Dear Jesus, first the economy and now this: Historically, gonorrhea was an easily treatable STD, responding to a number of antibiotics, including sulfonilamides, penicillin, tetracycline, and ciprofloxacin. However, the last
CONOR MATTHEWS Los Angeles Before I begin, I want to start off with a story. I was at a house party last week. Sort of a celebration for finishing my
ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE Los Angeles The hypocrisy: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Pakistan to do more in the
ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE Los Angeles The guest post at naked capitalism makes us painfully aware: Attorney General Eric Holder on
al Zawahiri Israel Nation News reports: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned against the United States arming rebels