Dear Dirty America

Tag "american muslims"

No More Muslims in US, Trump Says, but Forgets About Yankee Jihad

    No More Muslims in US, Trump Says, but Forgets About Yankee Jihad

Real Clear Politics provides us with the following excerpt from Donald J Trump’s speech about not letting Muslims into the United States least while we’re at war. I sent

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There’s Hope for Mohammed Raghead: No More Material Support for the NSA

    There’s Hope for Mohammed Raghead: No More Material Support for the NSA

There’s hope for Mohammed Raghead yet. Glenn Greenwald published one of his “finale” reports that will be rounding out the year-long Edward Snowden leaks by introducing us to five Muslim-Americans

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A Letter from Jordan, Pt 2: Sitting in Your Own Shit Waiting for the Goddess

Austin Wayne Luebke Foreign Correspondent Amman, Jordan I have been watching [a] series of videos, with Habib Kadhim to improve my Arabic. Basically the people sent by the Divine as

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Watching Religious Muslims & Destroying American Freedoms

More of the same suspicious American dirtiness: Police documents obtained by The Associated Press show how the city’s rich heritage as a place where immigrants can blend in and build

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Violent Radical Mainstream Muslims: In the World of the FBI

Spencer Ackerman writes: The FBI is teaching its counterterrorism agents that “main stream” [sic] American Muslims are likely to be

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Obama To Fund Building of 10 New Mosques by 2013 ctd

Ajimazzle comments: I remember when [Hubert] Humdinger made all that fuss regarding the rerouting of resources from northern california to

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Obama To Fund Building of 10 New Mosques by 2013 to Promote Religious Diversity

DEAR DIRTY NEWSWIRE Pete Souza The Obama administration laid out a new plan to fund the building of ten new

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