Dear Dirty America

News / Politics

He’s Not a Torturer, He’s an Extreme Questioner: The Rumsfeld Torture Lawsuit Upheld

Freedom is untidy, Donald Rumsfeld once said about the chaos in Iraq. I’m not sure the 26 million Iraqis felt the same way about their country being invaded by American troops

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Washington’s Debt Crisis: Slouching Toward A Double Dip

Robert Reich writes that Washington is obsessed with the wrong question(s) concerning the country’s debt crisis and offers a figurative situation: Policy Network Imagine your house is burning. You call

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Making up Fake News Like the Onion or the Pentagon

Creating fake news articles is a blast. You, as the author, can control who says what, and which pieces of information are highlighted. It’s all fake, of course, but the

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45,000 Verizon Workers On Strike: Pluto’s in Capricorn Until 2023

Pluto’s in Capricorn, and major shifts in power are underway. Corporate strongholds and monopolies will not be able to withstand the intense overturning, cleansing effect that Pluto in Capricorn will

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Hugo Chavez Flying to Cuba to Treat Cancer: He Should Try the Gerson Diet Instead

Hugo Chavez had a tumor removed from his pelvic region and now the world is wondering what kind of cancer

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Sugar Daddies Paying Off Today’s Student Loans:

Amanda M. Fairbanks tells the story of young college girls who seek older, wealthy men who pay generously for an

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The 2nd Half of the Debt Deal for Progressives

Neil Munro writes: Obama made sure to remind progressives and liberals disappointed by the Sunday deal that he supports their

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The President Surrenders Again: A Smashing Tea Party Victory?

Andrew Leonard writes about Obama’s debt ceiling deal: In the end, President Obama had to admit surrender. He tried to

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Hollywood & Highland Riot: About a Charles Manson Star on Walk of Fame?

Did DJ Kaskade’s Tweets start the Hollywood & Highland riot? A new rumor suggests the good deejay is off the

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Nobel Peace Prize: Norway Killer’s Plan for Peace Not Comprehensive As Obama’s

DEAR DIRTY NEWSWIRE The Nobel Peace Prize officially rejected a bid to award the Norway killer, Anders Behring Breivik, with its most prestigious prize. The committee announced the Norway bomber’s

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