A Tale of Electoral Bollocks and Pointless Ranting!
Perthshire, Scotland
As the title suggests, I’m less than enamoured with the present election campaigns of any of the participants in this general election.
They are generally bland and in the case of the Liberal Democrats, completely insipid and damn near invisible.
Such has the fall been from being in government, well a minor coalition partner, to the gray and extremely dull handful of MPs currently attempting to be re-elected.
Their “leader”, Tim (the terror) Farron, is everything you would expect from a Liberal Democrat. Unknown outside his home, except for his equally gray cat, he exudes the dynamism of a decomposing corpse.
He tries to talk tough, but comes over like an excited child waving for attention in a very boring maths class.
His main policy is the EU. Which in itself is a vote loser of the highest calibre.
How exactly he thinks he can somehow overturn the referendum result, I do not know, but that is where he and his ragtag rabble think the votes lie. Desperation isn’t really an adequate description for this ridiculous policy.
In saying that, the Labour party manifesto is a triumph of hope over possibility. They are promising to re-nationalise everything from the banks to the railway system and all utility companies.
They even have it all costed out and are “confident” it will not be more expensive. Oh that’s good!
Because politicians never make mistakes on how much these grand schemes will cost the taxpayers. So in the unlikely event of a Labour win, expect plenty of excuses when it all goes tits up.
Almost by accident, they are gaining on the Conservative party in the opinion polls. This is because the Conservatives appear intent on shooting themselves in the nether regions at every opportunity. More on this later in the article.
Jeremy Corbyn is coming over as a competent politician. Almost. But then again, he isn’t really up against very much opposition in this election.
He is doing his “cuddly uncle” act. Aye, cuddly like a wee poisonous snake.
His past history doesn’t sound or look like the activities of some happy go lucky old duffer. He was and still is a staunch supporter of the IRA, and attended several funerals for IRA members killed during the troubles. He will not apologise for their crimes against their fellow Irish citizens. He has principles which can be changed by arrangement.
He is also an outspoken critic of capitalism and the current globalism. Strangely enough, I tend to agree with him on that issue.
There is a groundswell of opinion against the manipulators of currency, and people are beginning to see through the reasons for constant conflict and all out war.
Hopefully this will continue and the public see exactly what is happening to the planet in the name of profit.
Given that his chances of becoming the next Prime Minister are slim, I also believe that even if he did get that opportunity, he wouldn’t be allowed to change very much. The establishment and the globalists would “persuade” him to modify his radical agenda very quickly.
There are already signs that this has been happening already, just in case the impossible happened and Labour wins the election. His stance on leaving the EU is more or less the same as the Conservative party, which is a bit of a puzzle to me, because by being on the side of leaving, he is probably losing an awful lot of votes.
Speaking of losing votes, the Conservative party appear to be in some kind of suicide mode. Theresa May is refusing to debate the election issues on television with the other leaders, leaving the field clear for Corbyn and the Liberal Democrat nonentity to get valuable airtime.
Her inability to withstand questioning on any issue is becoming a real problem for the party strategists and is making her look and sound like an already beaten candidate. This is in contrast to the Conservative party leader in Scotland, Ruth Davidson. She is really doing well and is closing the gap on the SNP.
Mrs May should be watching and learning from Ms Davidson. Confidence oozes from her. No shifty looks and long pauses before almost answering a question. She answers direct questions directly. If a mistake is made, she will apologise and move on. This is not the Mrs May way. She constantly looks furtive and ill at ease.
It would be a huge surprise if the Conservative party don’t win this election. But if they do, it’s entirely down to having a weak leader.
Back here in Scotland, I have already touched on Ruth Davidson and her ability to take problems in her stride. Her main opponent in the Scottish part of the general election is the SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon.
There is a huge contrast between the two. One is a much bigger liar than the other. We all know that politicians lie as a matter of course. It’s almost become accepted by the public and isn’t seen as wrong or bad. This is just how far politicians and politics in general has fallen in recent years.
Ms Sturgeon is a pathological liar. She has no qualms whatsoever in lying about anything and everything. No subject is off limits to this bender of truth and reality. Logic is not understood, and fantasy takes over.
Education is in the toilet. Opportunities for children are being flushed away by politicians who blithely state that, “Although reading and writing are a good thing. A great surgeon doesn’t really need to be good at spelling!”
This ludicrous comment and many other similar examples are evidence that the SNP government are utterly incompetent and have some complete idiots in their ranks!
The NHS in Scotland , which in recent years has become overstretched and underfunded, is the responsibility of the Scottish government. Of course, nothing is their fault. Westminster is always the problem. Never the SNP.
The other parties in Scotland have become an irrelevance. The Labour party in Scotland used to be so dominant, they didn’t have to court the votes, they had to weigh them! Well not really, but it describes just how powerful they were in most cities for decades. They became complacent and neglected or ignored the problems of their constituents.
This led directly to the upsurge of the SNP, who got feet on the ground and talked to the people directly unlike the Labour party. Naturally, the Labour vote collapsed and the SNP swept in and took almost every Westminster seat in Scotland.
Now we see the SNP taking its voters for granted and are only able to talk about independence, ignoring the aforementioned education, health and policing problems which are what their voters expect them to focus upon.
This is something which will eventually cost them votes and power. It won’t be immediate, but it will happen if their obsession with independence doesn’t stop.
The Liberal Democrats have always had a semi-decent support in certain areas of the country and I expect that will continue despite being led by someone even more anonymous than their leader in England. Willie Rennie is not what one would call dashing or dynamic. Not in a million years. But the choice for leader is very limited.
The only other party is the Green Party. Led by wee Patrick Harvie, they have become a joke and an attachment of the SNP. No hope of making progress, and in danger of becoming extinct.
So, in less than a week, there will be a chance to either change from the Conservative party being in charge with an increased majority, the miracle of a Labour victory with Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister, or the possibility of a hung parliament, which would see horse trading of a frenzy never seen before in British politics.
Promises made to friend and foe alike in a desperate attempt for power. Promises which would be broken at the earliest possible opportunity by any or all of the participants.
Whatever the outcome, which I expect to be an outright Conservative victory, but hope for a surprise Labour win, I and millions of other people, will be glad to see the back of the whole horrible mess.
Given the fact that no matter who wins, the real decisions are made from a distance by powers far greater than the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Voting is really cosmetic and makes no difference to our lives. We will continue to be controlled and manipulated by persons unseen.
Try to wake up and see the reality before it’s too late!
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Michael J Blair contributes political analysis to DDA, and he can be reached at: michaelblair43@googlemail.com. His Twitter handle is: @mmjblair
[Header photo of Jeremy Corbyn courtesy of Sophie Brown; Wikimedia Commons]
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