Farce & Folly in Afghanistan
Perthshire, Scotland
So, British troops are back in Afghanistan. But only to advise and not fight of course!
How many times have we heard these weasel words uttered?
The idea that the Afghan army and police force could hold this war torn country together in the face of the unfettered Taliban fighters, determined to again take over the country and return it to seven days before the Stoneage began, was frankly ridiculous. Once the British and American forces left, there was only going to be one outcome. Utter chaos! Now we see that happening with frightening speed.
This isn’t something which suddenly happened this week. It’s been happening ever since Afghanistan was left to fend for itself. The media have willfully ignored the advances of Taliban fighters across Helmand province and now present it as if it’s a huge surprise. This is typical of the media’s slavish attitude to authority. There will have been orders issued by government departments to owners and editors of national newspapers to keep bad news about the impending chaos from the public.
It wouldn’t do if we thought that the government’s boast of leaving Afghanistan a better and more peaceful place, was shown to be all smoke and bollocks!
This news of a “small number” of British “military advisors” were going to be sent to this disastrous failed country, was greeted by complete indifference by the majority of the public. Most people are past caring about Afghanistan and the multiple failures to bring “democracy” to a country which has never really changed in the past thousand years.
The troops whose lives were sacrificed and limbs blown off on this utterly pointless vanity project mean nothing to the idiot politicians who cannot see past their pathetic “five year plans” and grand gestures of bringing democracy to places which cannot be democratised in any way shape or form.
The likes of the Taliban will be pushed back to a safe distance for a short time, but once the dominant force leaves the country, it will return stronger than ever. This is always going to be the case!
Tribal allegiance will always be stronger than allegiance to any type of government, so the police and army are riddled with infiltrators. The majority will run away from a fight with the Taliban and in all probability, join them.
And still the government sends more young men and women on pointless and life changing military adventures to a country which can never be changed into something the West thinks of as a democracy.
Do politicians never learn anything from history both recent and ancient?
Obviously not! Here they go again, starting with a few “military advisors”, without any kind of plan. This is the thin end of the wedge. The idea that a handful of British troops can make any kind of difference to the conflict between the Afghan army and police, and the Taliban would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious.
Parliament will now be on holiday for Christmas and New Year. MP’s will be raising a glass to congratulate themselves on another year of self serving greed and contracts made to give them well paid jobs after they either retire or are kicked out at the ballot box.
No bullets whizzing past their fat arses as they enjoy their roast organic field reared ostrich, or whatever, surrounded by family and friends. No mouthfuls of sand as they guzzle plum pudding laced with the finest brandies.
I would doubt if the thought of the human casualties they have caused, ever crosses their alcohol soaked brains. These people are despicable parasites who are only in parliament for personal gain and subsidised booze!
If more troops are deployed in Afghanistan in the coming months, I hope these people are very proud of the carnage they are going to cause all over again!
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Michael J Blair contributes political analysis to DDA, and he can be reached at: michaelblair43@googlemail.com. His Twitter handle is: @mmjblair
[header photo from Cpl. Cody Haas, United States Marine Corps — public domain, Wikimedia Commons]
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