Dear Dirty America


Resist the Lies

Resist the Lies
August 19
11:04 2020

Perthshire, Scotland

Does anyone remember the hoo hah over the naming of the temporary hospital in Glasgow?

For what felt like weeks, the arguments and insults flew back and forwards between the SNP Cultists and the defenders of the Union flag.

And guess what, it was just another distraction from what was happening and a piece of fear mongering propaganda, designed to keep the public frightened.

Much of what we have been put through over the last five months has been fakery and obfuscation, to make sure the government’s decisions wouldn’t be looked at too closely.

All was going to plan, but as this has dragged on so long, people have been given time to research and think about the sheer lack of logic in every rule issued by politicians.

None of it made sense from the beginning and that hasn’t changed.

We could go to shops, but only those with names beginning in PX. But this could only be on the third Wednesday after a full moon and only if it rained before 11.30am.

This had to be done, standing on one leg, left or right to be decided by a random beggar, sitting in a Bank of Scotland doorway.

One arm had to be raised, but no higher than than the shoulder of Brian Cox (actor), and a blindfold had to be worn backwards.

Then the rules began to get ridiculous.

Yes folks, the government was taking the piss out of us, and the majority of people couldn’t get enough of it. They were certain that they were doing all these insane things, because they being told that if they did so, life would return to normal more quickly.

This, of course, was another fat lie. All of these things were to prolong the control, not shorten the sentence.

We were drip fed glimpses of what we used to do, but with the threat of worse things happening if we got over excited.

Fun was something which encouraged the virus, so music was banned from pubs, which were open but not really alive. Mere shadows of what they once had been.

But this small concession was grasped by people, as if it were a lifeline to a former existence, and once the government saw that people were looking happy, they decided to lock down some areas to show that fun was in fact rationed, and in the gift of politicians.

Speaking of politicians, they have shown their true colours and most of that colour is yellow.

Cowardice seems to be one of the only things these people are good at. Oh, and greed.

Greed goes very well with political cowardice.

Not a word of opposition to the growing dictatorship happening right before their eyes. They sit back and see the very people who voted for them in December, having their lives and liberty removed piece by piece, and there is silence.

Not that this is only happening in the UK. Almost every country in the world is going through the same horrible experience.

And once again, no political opposition can be detected. This tells us that they have been told that if they say nothing, they will be rewarded.

Any opposition to our misery and loss of freedom, has to come from ourselves. No one is going to suddenly appear and and stop the political criminals.

I believe that the human spirit and need to live as we choose, is stronger than the sense of ownership the government feels it has over us.

We have shown and will continue to show that the sacrifice of our service men and women over the last hundred or so years, will not be forgotten or allowed to be trampled into the ground, by the politicians who hide away in the face of danger.

We will win, and karma will take care of the greedy cowards.

Michael J Blair contributes political analysis to DDA, and he can be reached at: His Twitter handle is: @mmjblair

[header Photo by thom masat on Unsplash]


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