Dear Dirty America


Dead Birds In the Streets Again, Great Carnage in Las Vegas

Dead Birds In the Streets Again, Great Carnage in Las Vegas
May 10
16:17 2014

Experts are calling a recent dead bird drop in Las Vegas “eerily” similar to what happened on Sunset Boulevard in 2011, except the difference is that in Los Angeles, the pigeons that fell in Larry King Square seemed to die of natural causes as they plummeted out of the sky without wounds or markings to their bodies.

Spectacularly, the local homeless folks in that area of Hollywood swooped in to gather up the bird carcasses. Many saw it as a gift from above. Somebody was watching out for the hungry American masses that go unnoticed as luxury vehicles roll past and designer suits strut by.

A number of society’s least wanted took over a hot dog vendor’s grill and cooked the strips of breast meat that one man sawed from the birds with an old pocket knife. This all happened in the shadow of the CNN building, yet it never hit mainstream news, except for one Yahoo! Voices article that carried the weight of spreading the most disturbing of scenes played out on the desperate streets of big city America.

What happened in Nevada is far worse as the birds found in the street were decapitated and most likely dumped by the culprits who did the gruesome beheading. These birds were not fit for eating, though, as one resident described the scene, “Oh my good Lord it stinks.”

While lower levels of the State Department tried to pin the act on the area’s Muslim community and began advocating for twenty-four hour armed predator drone surveillance, as well as a new push for an exhausted NATO to invade Syria, the evidence is stacking up against a different group:

A West African priest tells the station that may not be the case. He says people practicing the religion of Santeria or Ifa use animal sacrifices like chickens, pigeons or goats as a means of protection or as a way to cleanse the body.

The Sunset Boulevard dead bird drop was used by journalists everywhere to decry the plight of the homeless in America, as well as the ballooning disparity between the wealthy one percent and everybody else. That day seemed a godsend for those needing a sign from Heaven that America was moving in the wrong direction. Many ran with it.

To make light of the carnage in Las Vegas will prove more difficult.


There is more sinister work at play here. The dark areas of fanatical religions that behead animals as offerings to the lords of their perceived underworlds should strike fear in the hearts of every civilized American. If this is the bottom of the barrel of religion and superstition, it is not incomparable to the highest levels of worship carried out by presidents, corporate heads, and elite members of Western civilization’s royal families.

Rather than birds, there is a growing suspicion that unwanted babies are sacrificed in such places as the thick redwood forests of Northern California in honor of Moloch, the great swivel-headed owl that is worshiped at Bohemian Grove by privileged scoundrels like George Herbert Walker Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Richard M Nixon.

From birds to babies, from practitioners of dark magic to well-connected heads of states, there is no reason to be alarmed. Decapitating birds, wiping their blood all over your body, and then dumping them in the streets is “just like a first communion, just like a baptism, all of these ways are ways humans use to communicate,” said Ifa priest Duane Reece.


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[dead birds that struck buildings in DC compiled in the fall of 2013, photo by USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Laboratory]

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