Oakland Mayor Quan Threatens to Call Parents of Rowdy Occupiers
OAKLAND — The exasperated Oakland Mayor, Jean Quan, threatened Monday to call the parents of those rowdy Occupy Oakland kids. Quan was upset with Saturday’s demonstration which left City Hall vandalized, and resulted in 400 arrests by the Oakland PD.
“I plan to call the parents of those in Occupy Oakland and say their kids are acting rowdy and not being nonviolent,” Quan said in an interview. “That is, if they even have parents.” She stomped her foot and said, “I’ve had it with them.”
She then went on a tirade: “Even when the police shot tear gas and rubber bullets and bean bags at peaceful protesters last October, and then prevented Occupiers from helping that Marine when he got blasted in the head point blank by a rubber bullet or bean bag or something, and anyway, his life was on the line, and the police still threw flashbangs at those trying to carry him to safety, and then I didn’t condemn the heavy-handed and violent police force, well, anyway these kids still have no right to get angry and show their disapproval.”
Severe economic hardship in the Bay Area, a history of rampant police violence and abuse, and an unemployment rate of around 8.7 percent in Oakland isn’t easy to forget about for these protesters.
Quan went on to talk about Occupy Oakland’s protests every Saturday, which is also the day the Mayor said she usually needs the most police officers to do other things, like terrorize the black community. “Our police are busy stopping and searching black motorists on Saturdays. That takes a lot of time and energy out of our Oakland PD. Yet we have to worry about people demonstrating over wealth disparity and crap.”
Mayor Quan is also planning to tell Occupy Oakland protesters’ parents that she wants the movement to leave town. “Go protest in Richmond or something,” she said. “Otherwise we’re going to get our ‘Rough Riders’ police gang back to do some real damage.”
Quan alluded to OPD’s botched investigation into journalist Chauncey Bailey’s murder. “We’re going to have more of that, as long as these not nonviolent Occupy folks keep reminding us about not having enough money.”
The mayor bemoaned the fact that she had to stop using Facebook for a time to adequately install new filters to block out Occupy Oakland / Wall Street protesters and their incorrect “version of what happened.”
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