A Letter from Jordan, Pt 2: Sitting in Your Own Shit Waiting for the Goddess
Foreign Correspondent
Amman, Jordan
I have been watching [a] series of videos, with Habib Kadhim to improve my Arabic. Basically the people sent by the Divine as examples, i.e the prophets and messengers, in which to follow are what cause purification. Purification is probably among the most effective means for one to protect oneself from negative forces. That is because impure things attract impure forces, in the basic sense. It is why the way for what is termed ‘left-hand tantra’ which is the gaining of power through taking one’s sense desires to the extreme and dealing with many negative powers (like the dark side of the force) has to do with breaking purity laws and rituals.
It is why that one guy to gain clairvoyance by this method ate of the same plate every day for a long period of time without washing it (so that it would become disgusting) then after that he had to sit in the same spot for some days or weeks without moving and when he urinated and pooped he would take the excrement, rub it all over his body and then eat it. At the end of his ritual he felt awful and was in complete depression realizing he couldn’t go back to normal society since he irrevocably took himself over the edge by eating his own poop. At that moment a female spirit appeared to him (definitely a jinn, my proof is in the next words) and gave him the power of clairvoyance so long as he had sex with the spirit whenever she wanted it. I believe he agreed, at least that is what David Lawrence told me.
The point of all this is though was to give an example of how impure actions bring about impure forces and evil forces and they collect. Likewise the opposite, pure forces collects more pure forces. And so by developing positive qualities like compassion, mercy, etc. one attracts that to his self more and more and so on. How to do this and know that one is not going astray or following their own whims? By following the path of those sent to be examples in which to follow and are divinely protected from error, the prophets and messengers. Of course, one has to come to a belief in the people they are following that they actually are beings chosen by God and so on, and that can only be done by proofs and so forth.
Anyway, I lost my train of thought as I was writing. And I am getting very long winded in this message. I hope you don’t mind and I hope you don’t take it that I am lecturing you since I don’t intend it though it may seem like it. The truth is I just got on a roll and didn’t want to stop. I have some energy and am feeling inspired.
I also [wrote] so you would have a little more idea about what it is the Muslims believe about the person whose hair touched the water you’re drinking.
See the other part of the letter: Each human is a vast bundle of potential meanings
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