Dear Dirty America


The Past, Present, and the Aftermath

The Past, Present, and the Aftermath
June 26
11:44 2021


As the dust and confusion settled, people looked around and realised what they had done in the attempt to regain their freedom.

They had sacrificed their own children and parents without hesitation, in the belief that the government would protect them and allow them to go back to normal. Or at least to what they thought was normal.

We are currently living through a major social upheaval. And many people are discovering that “normal” is definitely not not what they have lived through for however many decades they have been on the planet.

Everyone sees the world in different ways. So my perception of reality isn’t that of someone who is living next door to me, or on the other side of the planet earth.

Of course, certain things are anchored as real and they will remain real.

Daylight and darkness cannot be changed into a flavour of ice cream. And the same ice cream cannot be used to make aircraft.

Some things are what they are, and what is, is.

We used to think that the history we learned in school was actually what had happened, but of course history is only how someone wrote about the past.

At the moment, people are rewriting not only the recent past, but also the present.

We are witnesses to the truth, and everything we write should be the truth of the history of this period.

Unfortunately, the people behind the ever increasing horror have control of the pen with which the history is being written.

They have changed “science” until everything which has been regarded as true, has become reduced to junk. The same treatment has been meted out to the scientific experts who have spent decades researching their particular field.

One of the worst aspects of the culling of science, is that rational people have become so irrational, that they believe every lie they are told.

Black is white, up is down, and some vulnerable sections of society do not have the right to live.

Now to be rational is to be regarded as irrational and downright dangerous. Millions of people have been psychologically duped and they do not even know it has happened to them.

They regard their new thoughts as normal, and have no ability to compare now with then. This has been achieved in under 18 months, but the conditioning has been going on since they were born.

Luckily millions of people haven’t succumbed to the decades of brain rot, and are able to see clearly what has been happening and continues to happen.

We, the critical thinkers and clear sighted, have a duty to stand up for what is right and do what we can to wake up a few people. We just can’t stand by and watch the evil unfold and do nothing.

When facts are regarded as lies by the people who are in power and the truth is crushed by their social media platform and mainstream media attack dogs, we are all that is standing between a free society and an endless all seeing and hearing dictatorship.

Our version of the events of the last year and a half is the real truth, which has to be kept for future generations to read about, and know that some people fought the tyranny.

We have a responsibility to record the truth and deny the government and its globalist masters ability to change and twist this truth to their insane advantage.

I didn’t think this upheaval would happen before I had left this life, but here l am living in the midst of the biggest criminal conspiracy in the history of the world.

In a way, I and many other people are in a privileged position. We are watching in real time an attempt to destroy everything we mostly took for granted. We are part of a massive historic moment, the likes of nothing which has gone on before.

The deliberate culling of the elderly and disabled by using end of life drugs, and the injecting of experimental gene therapy into a public so brainwashed has to be the very worst act of violence by governments against their citizens.

The people who are behind the politicians in inflicting massive levels of misery, injury and death, should be hunted down and given the same treatment.

My hope is that the recent public rumbles of discontent will develop into a tidal wave of action against the government.

People are seeing politicians doing the very opposite of the “rules” they have imposed, and are rightly very unhappy.

Some people however, will never admit that their government has been a party to harming they and their families. They will fight to the end, to defend them.

No matter that they have lost relatives to the so called cure, they will not be persuaded that they were targeted for destruction.

The rest of us will never stop fighting for all people to have their liberties and freedoms returned.

Michael J Blair contributes political analysis to DDA, and he can be reached at: His Twitter handle is: @mmjblair

[header Photo by Jeremy Perkins from Pexels]


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  1. nbakay
    nbakay June 26, 22:11

    War Drum Beating, Climate Change and COVID19 Pandemic false flag are used in instilling fear and cover-up of the World Corporate Government Bankruptcy and the impending Global Currency Reset. The Governments of the Bretton Woods’ member countries are illegitimate corporations. (KH)
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    Their evil plan will fail, only happen in their dreams, and became their worst nightmare as humanity awakened.
    THE Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010. Dreams/Nightmare?

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  2. nbakay
    nbakay June 26, 22:13

    War Drum Beating, Climate Change and COVID19 Pandemic false flag are used in instilling fear and cover-up of the World Corporate Government Bankruptcy and the impending Global Currency Reset. The Governments of the Bretton Woods’ member countries are illegitimate corporations. (KH)
    Karen Hudes: Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF announced a transition to asset-backed currencies.

    Their evil plan will fail, only happen in their dreams, and became their worst nightmare as humanity awakened.
    THE Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010. Dreams/Nightmare?

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