The Time for the Truth?
Perthshire, Scotland
In the last few days, we have witnessed what amounted to a coup d’etate in Saudi Arabia.
This wasn’t unexpected in some circles, but a big surprise to the news media and politicians.
This is a seismic event in a region which is anything but stable. The reasons for this happening are complex but necessary for the good of the world. This will have serious ramifications for many people in many countries, but they have to be shown that the evil they practice cannot be allowed to continue.
Prince Mohammed bin Salman has sacked, detained and replaced almost every leading political figure in the government. My information is that all these people have been involved in corruption, child sex trafficking and money laundering.
They were given a stark choice: hand yourselves in to the authorities or be taken by force. Those who decided to jump in a helicopter and try to flee the country, were unceremoniously shot out of the desert sky by forces loyal to Prince Mohammed.
Following on from there, the Prince “persuaded” his father, King Abdullah, to stand down and allow him to accede to the throne.
This gives Prince Mohammed complete control of the country. He is determined to crack down on the rampant corruption and the interference in other countries’ political systems.
His track record isn’t inspiring, given the Yemeni situation, but the proof of this particular pudding will be in the eating.
The most important and wealthy individual arrested, is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Who is one of the world’s richest people.
He has huge shareholdings in some of the largest social media companies on the planet, and in many other corporations, including Twitter and 20th Century Fox.
His own company, Kingdom Holdings, is worth billions of dollars.
One very interesting piece of information which came from the arrest of Prince Alwaleed, was of his ownership of the top five floors of the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas.
This is the hotel where Stephen Paddock allegedly fired twenty-three weapons at a crowd watching a country music festival.
Why would this be of interest to anyone?
Well, the room used for the shooting was on the floor below those owned by Prince Alwaleed.
I’m told that the weapons allegedly used by Paddock, were brought in by helicopter and taken down to Paddock’s room.
I don’t believe for one minute Paddock was the shooter. He was simply a patsy, used similarly to Lee Harvey Oswald, by the CIA/Deep State to keep the public scared and show that they and not the president are in charge.
Saudi Arabia is known to have had a major role in the 9/11 attack and has been working with the CIA in many other related events. The recent coup may have serious consequences for this relationship.
The Trump administration will have known this was happening and given it unconditional approval.
This is part of the plan to reign in and if necessary, destroy the CIA, who for many years, have run the USA for their own ends. President Kennedy was assassinated because he wanted to stop this happening. He knew what was happening and couldn’t stomach what was being done in the name of America.
The Bin Laden family, who are Saudis, were and still are, personal friends with the Bush family, going back years, and not only were they in the USA on 9/11, they were the guests of ex President George HW Bush.
He had them spirited away on a plane, out of America as soon as possible after the attack in New York.
Along with the Saudi Arabian change of regime came the news that child sex offenders and other associated sexual abusers were being named.
This is all part of a cleaning up of a global child sex trafficking ring used for the twisted pleasure of Hollywood elite, top ranking government ministers from hundreds of different countries and other multi-millionaire business leaders.
There are going to be many very worried so called important people waiting for an early morning knock on the door.
The corrupt politicians and their equally corrupt puppet masters are not going to be in charge of the planet for much longer. The crumbs will be swept up!
The hope is that what and who replaces them will not turn out to be more of the same, but people who have the interest of the human race at the forefront of their thinking.
And remember, whatever happens, there are no such things as coincidences.
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Michael J Blair contributes political analysis to DDA, and he can be reached at: His Twitter handle is: @mmjblair
[Mandalay Bay hotel header photo courtesy of © 2007 Sascha Brück; Wikimedia Commons]
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