The Bob Bergdahl Tweets
Much has been made about Bob Bergdahl’s off the cuff tweeting. The father of captured Sgt Bowe Bergdahl has been scrutinized hard by the media. His beard, his learning Pashto, and even his phrase in Arabic to his son while he stood at the president’s podium. Obama gave the Bergdahl’s a few minutes to speak. Bob was prepared, you could tell.
“Bismil laahir Rahmanir Raheem,” he said, quoting the mellifluous opening of the Koran. Meanwhile, Obama glanced at his wristwatch. It was about time for lunch. Other Americans watching their televisions had various reactions, including nearly losing their lunch with the Arabic sucker-punch delivered by Mr Bergdahl. And yet other Americans didn’t realize it was Arabic, but maybe just a desperate father slurring his words.
And then there are the Bergdahl tweets. Fox News had to hire another unpaid intern just to sort out the madness. What could this mean? Are we facing a jihadi in America? Are we being hoodwinked by a Muslim president here? Is that why Obama freed the Bergdahl boy?
One particular tweet that has disappeared from Bob Bergdahl’s Twitter stated the following: “I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen!”
Former US congressman Allen B West declared he smelled a rat. “Something more nefarious is at stake here,” he wrote.
I reread Bob Bergdahl’s tweet over again, very carefully. What is wrong or controversial about what he wrote? Can a military invade and destroy families and kill men, women, and children without penalty?
If anything, Bob Bergdahl should have doubled down on that tweet. “You armed bin Laden and trained his freedom fighters in the 80s, and now you send our boys over to fight them in an endless quagmire.”
As for his son who was released in a Gitmo prisoner swap, people like Allen B West claim Bowe deserted the military, so he should be tried for such an action.
But I say, good for Bowe. I would have deserted too if I’d been ignorant enough to join the military in the first place. Who wants to risk his life guarding opium fields and fighting hardened villagers trying to defend their homes and land? It’s the same for Private Bradley Manning, who was kept in solitary confinement for over 1000 days for leaking military documents revealing rampant war crimes. How can you squat on the truth?
How long can you clamp down the lid on a pressure cooker? The steam will build. Eventually, something blows out. It’s no wonder soldier suicides are so high.
So yes, when you find your heart and your soul irreversibly shifting toward the light, it’s not unthinkable to walk away from rampant corruption and into a harsh wilderness, literal or figurative.