Dear Dirty America


Sochi Olympic Woes: Quarrelsome Putin Photo Stares Down US Reporters In Appalling Hotel Rooms

Sochi Olympic Woes: Quarrelsome Putin Photo Stares Down US Reporters In Appalling Hotel Rooms
February 05
22:36 2014

Problems in Sochi are dominating the recent news cycle. Reporters from prominent news stations are showing up to unfinished hotel rooms. Their lodgings are in shambles. Each room is fitted with an 8×10 portrait of President Putin with his shirt off. The Russian government says, So what? Theese eese how we live.

But whoa, Jack, hold on. This is not what the American reporters were expecting. According to the Washington Post, this is the scene in Sochi:

Some journalists arriving in Sochi are describing appalling conditions in the housing there, where only six of nine media hotels are ready for guests. Hotels are still under construction. Water, if it’s running, isn’t drinkable. One German photographer told the AP over the weekend that his hotel still had stray dogs and construction workers wandering in and out of rooms.

CNN’s Harry Reekie took to Twitter to express his frustration. He had an exchange about the unfinished media quarters with the president of Sochi’s Olympic organizing committee, Dmitry Chernyshenko. Chernyshenko seems to be keeping a positive attitude about what is so far turning out to be a disaster in Russia.

“Look toward the mountains!” he said to Reekie over Twitter, after hearing of the complaints of wild dogs roaming through the media hotels that still have bare walls and crumbled plaster patches on the cement floors. Some rooms have doors without knobs, which means the dogs, when they smell the stench of sweaty socks and underwear in the rooms, will be able to bust in and wreak havoc on whoever is inside.

But really, Reekie wanted to say to Chernyshenko, it’s that bellicose look on Putin’s face that has sullied my stay in Sochi. It’s hard enough to stare down a real man in public, but in the privacy of one’s own room!

Sochi very well could be the disaster that leads to World War III. And what a blessing that would be for the criminal class of world bankers and multinational corporations that would surely benefit from funding the weapons and coffins for all sides. It is not only the unfinished hotel rooms that pose a threat to a successful Sochi Olympics.

There are rampant rumors about terrorism floating around. There are bombers and suicide missions in the plans. And Russian security is about as complete as the hotel rooms the reporters are complaining about. Imagine the tensions already ratcheted up between the US / NATO and Russia, Syria, and Iran being realized by one well-placed terrorist bomb. A few athlete casualties. A shredded red, white, and blue flag. CNN would have a field day. Ratings through the roof. Sandy Hook on steroids.

The inflated rhetoric. The finger pointing. And the perfect distraction the elite need to turn our heads away from their NSA data collection, their waning public support, the growing suspicion over the fraudulent wars and the manipulation of the conflicts in Syria.

I’m not saying I know shit about world politics, or the men who manipulate the masses by using well-timed major world disasters, but still, I cringe to think of it.

But for now it’s the shitty hotels and the shells of buildings that need to be fleshed out before tomorrow. It’s the torch that won’t stay lit. It’s the abandoned villages, like Ashtyr, and their people who suffered the most as Russia prepared for the winter games by extracting limestone from the nearby mountains and conducted frenzied construction projects all day and night while trucks bigger than tanks are still rolling over the local people and places.

If there’s anything that might make the reporters’ stay better, it would be clean bed sheets. Make sure the bedding is crisp and sterile. Sniff your pillow covers, in case someone has already slept on it before you. Check for bedbugs! Look for rust-colored spots in the corners beneath the mattress. If you’ve got a clean place to sleep, that’s a plus. And also that view of the mountains.

[photo from Wikimedia Commons, “Prince Albert II of Monaco with 2014 Olympic torch in Sochi. Vladimir Putin presented Prince Albert II of Monaco with the Sochi 2014 Olympic torch, 4 October, 2013”]

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