Beating Back the Hungry Crowds: A Better Use for Homeless Spikes & Defensive Architecture
What are we going to do with all these homeless people? More and more folks are ending up on the street as they go into financial ruin from a loss of work, an expensive medical disaster, or they get swept behind in a jobless economic recovery that benefits fewer and fewer skill sets and people.
But what do we do with all those unwanted people who have no money to spend? You might put up metal spikes outside your establishment so the men and women in filthy clothes and unwashed hair cannot stretch out and sleep in front of your window display. This is the tactic Tesco has used in London. On Regent Street, the grocery store implemented the steel spikes in what is called ‘defensive architecture’.
To anybody with a sense of logic, this is a futile and brutish attempt at beating back the crowds of homeless people. When the very symptoms of society are creating an ever expanding, surplus army of desperate out-of-work laborers, the people that society has no place for — the people who don’t have jobs because automation has rendered them useless, for example — will not disappear, but only grow more agitated, swell in numbers, and need to addressed violently or peacefully.
As more of the real estate in the West’s giant cities are being bought up and controlled, there are fewer and fewer places where people can congregate. Cities are removing benches so homeless folks cannot squat on them for hours every day.
Yet, nearly every human being is dependent on the structure of modern society, as very few of us have the skills or temperament in place to traipse off into the woods or mountains and survive freely as man might have been intended. If during the 1930s Great American Depression 80 percent of people lived on farms and in rural areas, yet even then millions starved and suffered, how is it today when the numbers are reversed and only 20 percent live in rural areas and the majority have hardly a clue about where their food comes from, or how it is produced?
Rather, we need to buy our food already processed and packaged, or pick it out of the dumpsters. We need the golden opportunity to be able to earn our money, or beg for it outside of the city’s grocery stores and yogurt shops. Or steal it.
So, rather than installing defensive architecture around major retailers and the box stores of thriving global corporations, perhaps we as a crumbling society could at least enjoy ourselves by installing the homeless spikes up the asses of prominent men and women like Jamie Dimon* who exploit the value of currency, weaken the world’s economic system, and live like an impressively long and fat pinworm inside the troubled bowels of a shaky societal body that the rest of us sacrifice ourselves and our energy to create and maintain.
*Why Jamie Dimon? He’s a particularly vicious individual who denies any wrongdoing until it’s so obvious and apparent that he’s a criminal, which at that point he gets very sincere and quietly says, “Well, I made a mistake. I was under a lot of pressure to perform.” His legacy of malfeasance in one instance alone is said to have cost his institution, JP Morgan Chase, around $9 billion dollars. Who do you think covers that loss when Dimon heads to congress to playact remorse and ask for a taxpayer bailout? Why aren’t men like this one beaten, jailed, and cast out of society? Why do we not feel disgusted by him as we do with the filthy man begging for change?
Jamie Dimon’s a pinworm in a suit, and he and all like him need to be expunged from our system and flushed down the toilet.
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