A Chemical Provocation: Choosing Your Side on US Intervention in Syria
The reason I keep writing about Syria is that I’m desperate to make sure my grandchildren know with certainty that I was vehemently opposed to the disaster that sparked World War III. Not that there’ll be any grandchildren left after the impending fallout from a misguided US military strike on Syria, but still, there’s a personal urge to let future folks know I was against more American empire deadbeat aggression overseas.
And, for the record, it’s not that America is bad. America is very good in its fundamentals and principles. America is worth preserving. The people who have been consistently running our America are the problem. We’ve been hijacked long ago by entities who have twisted and finally eroded every last vestige of possible American freedom and justice. The aggressors and self-aggrandizers. The yes men, like Obama. The war hawk dynasties like the Bush family who sell America and its people to every highest bidder. Using our military and our hard earned treasure to build an empire that we, the vast majority of us, are not included in.
Even if a “narrow, limited, no-boots-on-the-ground” strike on Syria goes off without a hitch, Iran could easily shut down the Strait of Hormuz, which would prompt military action from the United States and Israel, which would then draw us into the last, final Middle Eastern conflict from which we wouldn’t escape.
Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, made an interesting statement:
“I am convinced that it (the chemical attack) is nothing more than a provocation by those who want to drag other countries into the Syrian conflict, and who want to win the support of powerful members of the international arena, especially the United States,” Putin said.
I am also sure the chemical attack was used by either the rebels or their foreign handlers to drag an almost always willing United States into the conflict. Who loves an unending, deadly, costly, and overall ludicrous military campaign more than Washington?
Besides, there are videos and testimony from the Syrian rebels’ side that suggests quite plainly that the chemical attack was either an accidental launching, or a conscious act on the part of factions of the Free Syrian Army.
[photo by Ranan Lurie]
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