Dear Dirty America


Gingrich’s Godlessness: An Obvious Irony

December 19
21:17 2012
Los Angeles

by Boris Rasin

Newt Gingrich is tying the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting to the act of removing God from schools and public places. His words:

“When you have an anti-religious, secular bureaucracy and secular judiciary, seeking to drive God out of public life, something fills the vacuum,” Gingrich said. “I don’t know that going from communion to playing war games, in which you practice killing people is necessarily an improvement.”

Well, I tend to agree that removing love and honor from our collective focal point opens up a vacuum for very dangerous, nefarious forces.  I don’t much care if you call it God, or sincere compassion, or conscious awareness, when your American culture is about getting the most things for the least amount of money, and making the most money for the least amount of productivity, you’ve lost your sights on God.

When your American culture decides it can launch missiles at bad guys in any poor country anywhere in the Middle East and Africa, you’ve lost your focus on God. You’ve quite efficiently taken him out of the process. The war games of Washington are reflected by the gore and violence on TV and in video games that obsesses our youth.

But when has Newt Gingrich ever been skeptical of the CIA’s predator drones knocking out bad guys and any number of people who happen to be living or shopping around that same area? Has he ever denounced the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that were murdered by Bush Sr, Clinton’s devastating bombing, and then the catastrophic Bush Jr-led invasion? Does this nation deserve to even use the word God in any of its pledges, songs, or courtrooms?

Here’s a video showing just how godless and anti-love Gingrich is (the video is a debate between Ron Paul and Rick Santorum (another God-hack), but Gingrich’s fleshy jack-o-lantern face jeering at Paul is enough to show where he stands on the issue of human life):

You can keep the word God in the Pledge of Allegiance. You can add it in another time or two. You can make your schoolchildren pray together. That doesn’t change the scandalous, pillaging culture of Wall Street and Washington. That doesn’t stop the massive shift in wealth being sucked out of the family and community coffers and being transferred to the top. That doesn’t shift the focus from profit to people.

God is not a word. God is a lifestyle. God is a mindset. An atheist can live it. As can a Christian, a Buddhist, a Hindu, and a prisoner, too. But a Gingrich or a Santorum, whatever kinds of creatures they happen to be, are as ironically godless and devoid of a loving spirit as the troubled schools and bureaucracies of which they speak.


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