Dear Dirty America


BANNED In America: NYPD Paints Over Controversial Private Mural

July 30
09:30 2012

You know you’re living in North Korea when cops come with paint brushes, rollers, drop cloths, and pink aprons to cover up a mural painted on the side of a local business. The summary of the story has been told like this:

The mural, which included the word “murderers” painted above several tombstones and coffins with epitaph names that included the NYPD, the Environmental Protection Agency and global corporations including Halliburton and Monsanto, was painted on the wall of the business with the permission of its owners.

The NYPD couldn’t stand it, so they rolled up their sleeves and painted over it. Marie Curet, who has owned the business on which the mural was painted, says she was too afraid to confront the officers. She says there is no freedom of speech. And she’s right. If she had complained too much, or made any hasty gestures, she could end up like this woman, and have her blood pooling in the nearest street gutter. She could die in the street like a dog.

You can’t question these people. They think they have Divine right. Bloomberg’s mercenaries. The gatekeepers and protectors for the people who really run this country (some of their names are painted on that mural). Thugs: the Anthony Bolognas and Johnny Cardonas of the nation. They are the threat to free society as much as any terrorist from a foreign land. They have worked to undermine our Constitution and civil liberties just as much as any Arab or jihadist. And while they terrorize New Yorkers with their “stop and frisk” policy, they illegally and immorally spy on Muslims.

That may sound extreme to some, and maybe it is. But when our own public servants shoot mace into the faces of protesters, or paint over messages they don’t like, that is the worst kind of civil liberty destruction because it’s done by our own people. The police have been accomplices in neutering the Fourth and First Amendments. Those are the pillars of our varied freedoms. Once those rights are gone, it’s over. And it is pretty much over, since the Drug War began, up to the most recent passage of HR 347.

Just wait until Halliburton and Monsanto and their officials in Washington really crack down with the coming austerity measures and snatch up the pensions of the NYPD and every other police department across the nation.


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