Sun Journalists Arrested Gestapo-Style in Dawn Raids
February 15
Perthshire, Scotland
Perthshire, Scotland
This week Big Brother arrived in style and in full public view. Scotland Yard launched a seriesof dawn raids on, wait for it, the most dangerous villains in Britain, yes folks, journalists! Up to twenty squads of police officers descended at 6am on the suburban homes of Sun newspaper employees.
Houses were turned upside down, floorboards ripped up, drawers emptied and bedding torn apart. Families getting ready for the day. Children terrified and confused by the overly-macho attitudes of over-eager armour clad police.
These raids smacked of KGB/Gestapo tactics. Dawn raids on journalists! This was not the Britain we grew up with.
These arrests took place as families were also preparing to go away on half term holiday. The suspects were marched off to custody where they were questioned for hours. Their only “crime” was to be employed by News International.
There are some 170 officers involved in three different inquiries into the Press. Which is more than were used to investigate the Lockerbie bombing! This is overkill of the highest order.
Remember, this investigation is into mobile phone hacking and bribery of police officers. Not multiple murders. Perspective has been totally lost.
In the past few weeks, several other people who had been arrested still have not been charged with any offence. These so called suspects are being treated as if they were terrorists. There are over 20 unsolved murders which Scotland Yard would be better off deploying their hard-pressed resources in trying to solve.
This is in contrast with the way members of Parliament were investigated and treated when they willfully took millions of pounds from the public purse in so called expenses.
Very few of these bare faced cheats were seen in a police station, never mind court. Hundreds of these upholders of public decorum were systematically draining vast sums for some of the most ludicrous purposes. The famous “duck island.” The Moat cleaning. And changing the status of where they lived. There seems to be a serious double standard going on here.
In Britain, we used to pride ourselves on a free press. Shining a light into dark corners and bringing to book those who thought they were above the law.
Politicians and by association, the police, do not want any independent investigations into their cosy lives and murky practices. There has to be press freedom if we wish to live in a free society. This attempt to stifle and intimidate the press is unacceptable.
The next person to be dragged out of bed at 6am might be you. How will you feel then? Still think it is a free society? No, I didn’t think so. Act now, before it is too late to turn the tide of official oppression. Don’t stop fighting for freedom. If it happens here in Britain it is probably on the menu elsewhere.
Don’t let the dark win. Look to the light!
To contact Michael J Blair, you can email him at:
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