Once In A Lifetime Will Venus Visibly Slide Past the Sun
Los Angeles
At least that’s what the experts say,
It’s a spectacle that won’t repeat for another century – the sight of Venus slowly inching across the face of the sun.
Maybe it’s once in a lifetime for you, but I plan on living another century and so on. I juice vegetables, and soon I’ll take a trip to China to search for herbs in the vast upper mountainous regions, where the key to long-lasting life awaits to be plucked like a ripe cherry from a pile of freshly picked fruit heaped in an old porcelain bowl that is decorated with tiny blue pinstripes, a bowl your father found while working in the field.
A bowl, from a century ago, before television, before the Internet, when people still wrote letters and read their Bibles aloud. An old farmer who dropped the bowl, and it got buried in loose soil. He probably took a beating from his wife for it. The point here is longevity.
I’m talking about Li Ching-Luen. A man reported to have lived either 256 years, or even closer to 300. From Four Winds 10:
Li Ching-Yuen claims to have been born in 1734, but controversial birth records attest that he was born in 1677 in Qi Jiang Xian, Szechun province…. Li Ching-Yun found the secret fountain of youth, as he was reportedly the oldest human on Earth, having lived 256 years. His 1933 obituaries which were featured in Time Magazine and the New York Times stated that he had outlived 23 wives and his amazing lifespan exceeds by far the oldest living person up to date, who lived 122 years and 164 days.
One piece of advice he gave to long life was to “walk sprightly like a pigeon”. Well, I do that. I don’t care what kind of looks I get when I walk downtown. Those people will be dead a lot sooner than me (assuming I don’t get into another serious car wreck), and I’ll still be sprightly walking.
Ching-Yuen buried twenty-three wives. Probably not personally, but that’s pretty impressive. You get to know a lot of people when you’re on a long-term life plan.
He also recommends a tranquil mind, and to sit like a tortoise. And, sleep like a dog. Those actions, along with healthy herbs and vegetables in your diet, will help you live damn near forever, or at least long enough to see Venus glide across the sun in the next century.
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