Free Your Mind, Rick, And Your Ass Will Follow
August 22
From the huffpost:
Jonathan Blundell On Thursday, in New Hampshire, Perry told a woman and her son that he regarded evolution as “a theory that’s out there” and one that’s “got some gaps in it.”
When a woman in South Carolina congratulated him for his remarks Friday, Perry replied “Well, God is how we got here. God may have done it in the blink of the eye or he may have done it over this long period of time, I don’t know. But I know how it got started.”
Rick Perry knows God is how all this got started but he left the audience confused with the gaps in his theory. He forgot to add that while God started everything He is also continuing everything. To suggest God kick-started the world and left it to its own development, whether over billions of years or a few thousand, also suggests matter has some kind of independent existence after God created it. That’s idolatry, Rick. Only God is independent and all other things are non-God yet exist by virtue of God lending existence to it; intentionally and continually.
The answer to the question of whether God created everything in the blink of an eye or over a long period of time is: in the blink of an eye. An independently existing Being creating dependent beings creates them instantly and their organization is instant. Any organization into an new form that was dependent on an old form (like an ape to a human) is still being instantaneously organized and willed by God. Either way, many years or none, it matters not, both signify God.
That is the long, complex answer (and therefore less useful). Anyone who is connected to an authentic revelation wouldn’t ask these questions. Throw off your Newtonian, mind-forged manacles Rick! Free your mind Rick, and your ass will follow. Just like Funkadelic said it:
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