Dear Dirty America


American Strength & Unity: Shutting Down the Port of Oakland

November 02
21:35 2011

Paul Sakuma writes:

Many businesses in downtown Oakland are closed during today’s Occupy Oakland general strike, whether in support of the movement or in preparation for the mass of protesters marching through the streets.
The closed stores included national chains such as Rite Aid, Tully’s Coffee and Foot Locker. Some of thestores that remained open would only accept cash to honor the strike and avoid sending credit card fees to multinational corporations and banks.
Many local bank branches tried to stay open for customers, but were forced to lock doors where hoards of protesters neared. Marchers also tried to discourage use of ATMs.
Although the Oaklandish clothing store on Broadway closed, staff members set up a turntable with a DJ outside and are offering free water to protesters.
“We’re very much a community organization and we want to stand with the people,” said store manager Natalie Nadimi.
A sign on the closed Men’s Wearhouse at Frank Ogawa Plaza read, “We stand with the 99 percent.”
Protesters have said they plan to march later today to the Port of Oakland in hopes of shutting down thecontainer terminal. Port officials said about 35 to 40 longshoremen – or a little more than 10 percent – did not show up for work.

Twitter is blowing around reports of the Port being officially shut down due to the workers’ strike and the lack of longshoremen showing up for work.

Let’s give a moment of silence to NYPD’s Anthony Bologna for blasting mace into the eyes of peaceful protesters, and indiscriminately pepper spraying random demonstrators. He might be included in the honorary list of those responsible for kicking off the popularity of the Occupy protests, and the new American Revolution.

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