Dear Dirty America


An Embarrassed, Hypocritical Dick Cheney

September 14
17:16 2011

Dick Cheney, the great plunderer of nations, felt embarrassed about the U.S. downgrade, or so it has been reported:

Former Vice President Dick Cheney was “embarrassed” when the U.S. credit rating was downgraded in August, and he hopes that the development will compel lawmakers to continue to work to address the deficit.
Cheney’s comments came in an extended interview with Rush Limbaugh, published in the right-wing radio host’s print newsletter “The Limbaugh Letter.”
“Now, these last few months have been pretty messy,” said Cheney. “I think like a lot of people I was embarrassed when they lowered our credit rating from AAA to AA. I literally felt embarrassed for my country.”

I can say, as an American, that I too felt embarrassed when Cheney and his boys were talking about the righteous uses of torture, such as waterboarding. When Cheney made it “OK” to spy on American citizens and monitor which books they were checking out of libraries. And when they presented fake evidence as justification to invade Iraq. I literally felt embarrassed for my country.

I still feel embarrassed for my country.

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