Dear Dirty America


Riots Rock London: Pluto in Capricorn To 2023

August 07
07:56 2011
Huffington Post reports:

Bryan Tong Minh

Eight police officers are being treated in hospital following riots which broke out two days after a man was shot dead by police.

Scotland Yard said at least one of the officers had suffered head injuries after protesters clashed with police in Tottenham, north London.
Trouble flared after members of the community took to the streets to demand “justice”, after Mark Duggan, 29, was shot dead by police on Thursday.
The riots saw buildings and vehicles set alight, including two patrol cars, a police van and a double-decker bus, and shops looted as police in riot gear arrived on the scene.

 If you didn’t know, or you weren’t paying attention to anything else other than the sports and drama on your TV, Pluto moved into Capricorn in November of 2008. Pluto will stay in Capricorn until 2023. Astrologists predicted massive shifts in power that will become more intense until it peaks around 2015, and then the intensity will slowly ease up until Pluto in Capricorn’s final year.

Shifts in power? What does that mean? Molly Hall writes:

The transit of Pluto through Capricorn is such a long one, that it’s hard to fathom what life will be like in 2023, when it ends. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, making it the master of the physical realm, the lasting structure-builder of the Zodiac. It’s a sign of breadth and depth, whose efforts tend to be big in scale. Capricorn is a sign that digs in, to be an active part of the backbone of society.
Enter Pluto (which moved into Capricorn in November 2008), whose planetary purpose is to destroy that which no longer fits with the evolutionary plan. Pluto is set to transform the very structure of society, and how we live on our planet.
Will we see clean energy, a re-seeded and de-toxified Earth? Will the economic system be reformed, so that all of the planet shares in its abundance? And will the sickness and corruption of our government institutions be transmuted into a higher ideal? It all depends on what we do with Pluto’s profound provocations to change our ways.
Pluto’s trials serve to shatter structures that have become prisons to growth, even though we cling to the familiar as it crumbles. Just when we think we’ve hit a bottom, Pluto sends us hurling down further into what seems like a bottom-less pit. Pluto transits take out the light at the end of the tunnel. And that’s when the miracle happens, and you realize you’re stronger than you thought you were. And when true faith takes root in your character.

Does that sound like the massive Wisconsin protests? Or the even more impressive Arab Spring? The times, they are a-changing. What about WikiLeaks? And the new cyber threat from hackers like LulzSec and Anonymous? What about the Hollywood Walk of Fame giving Charles Manson a star? Or the tent cities springing up all over America. And Bloombergville. There is heavy feelings of collective unrest in the air. The financial markets are crumbling.

What will happen? My friend Marlin (formerly Marvin) recommends you get a good psychic, and then a good shrink. Read about Marlin featured in Small protests on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame mar upcoming Charles Manson star ceremony

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