Dear Dirty America

Tag "uk general election"

Shocks and Schnooks

    Shocks and Schnooks

MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland At one minute after 10.00pm, the news channels broadcast the exit polls from the election. Exit polls are notoriously unreliable, and this one shows a

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Debates & the Destruction of Democracy

    Debates & the Destruction of Democracy

MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland If nothing else, this election has shown us the true faces of the political leaders in the UK. I always find it interesting to see

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Election Erection: Can They Keep It Up?

    Election Erection: Can They Keep It Up?

MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland Whilst eating breakfast this morning, with the television news rambling along in the background, I heard a reporter or whatever they call themselves these days, telling

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UK General Election: Lies and Liars

    UK General Election: Lies and Liars

MICHAEL J BLAIR So far in the last few days there have been several examples of political lying which have ranged from the blatantly obvious to the unbelievably stupidly obvious.

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Don’t Believe A Word: Political Aliens in the UK General Election

  Don’t Believe A Word: Political Aliens in the UK General Election

MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland  While the world teeters on the brink of all out war due to two insane

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