Michael Segers commented: Now, she’s getting ready to save us from the Renaissance – http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/culturemonster/2011/08/michele-bachmann-is-worried-about-the-renaissance.htmlSometimes, reality is even stranger than this blog. If you’re interested in Buddhism, chasing unicorns, recipes
Tag "newsweek bachmann cover"
Michele Bachmann, the Queen of Rage, has won the Iowa Ames straw poll. There are many awful metaphors floating around to describe her win, and the figurative language mixed with
Howard Fineman reports on the Iowa Ames straw poll: Michele Bachmann is pulling out all the stops: Randy Travis is performing in her tent right now. If you weren’t already
David writes: Wait! Are you saying…Charlie for president? There’s a blogspot blog called ‘releasecharlesmansonnow.’ Maybe they’d be onside, too. I wonder how he feels about death panels, an overcrowded prison
Michele Bachmann with that crazy look in her eyes. And Charles Manson with that same look in his eyes. The only difference
David Shankbone Newsweek is calling Michele Bachmann the “Queen of Rage”, but she seems pretty happy and complacent to me,