Dear Dirty America

Tag "michele bachmann newsweek"

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Worship Ronald Reagan

If you’re one of those millions of unemployed Americans, you might want to relax and listen to this song. The song won’t fix your life, it won’t get you a

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Michele Bachmann Newsweek Cover Looks Like Charles Manson on Life Mag ctd: Who’s Crazier?

David writes: Wait! Are you saying…Charlie for president? There’s a blogspot blog called ‘releasecharlesmansonnow.’ Maybe they’d be onside, too. I wonder how he feels about death panels, an overcrowded prison

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Michele Bachmann Newsweek Cover Looks Like Charles Manson on Life Mag

Michele Bachmann with that crazy look in her eyes. And Charles Manson with that same look in his eyes. The only difference is, a person can sometimes have a substantive conversation with

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THE QUEEN OF RAGE – Michele Bachmann Graces Newsweek Cover

David Shankbone Newsweek is calling Michele Bachmann the “Queen of Rage”, but she seems pretty happy and complacent to me, although I’ve heard she can give a wicked thumper of

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