Dear Dirty America

Tag "israel palestine war"

Underdogs No More! Calls to Fully Arm Palestine Disrupt Local Bake Sale

    Underdogs No More! Calls to Fully Arm Palestine Disrupt Local Bake Sale

[editor’s note: no offense is meant toward Rosie O’Donnell. Her name was chosen partly on whim (why do writers write what they write? very few know) and partly for the

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What’s Wrong with Chuck Hagel?

The following paragraph seems like a good enough reason to nominate Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense: Sen. John Cornyn, a Republican from Texas, told The Daily Beast Friday, “Chuck

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Conservatol® Trials Fail; Right Pushes For Minority Status

DEAR DIRTY NEWSWIRE NEW YORK — In another political disappointment, on Wednesday the long-awaited test results for Conservatol®have been deemed a failure.  The drug was developed shortly after a study

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Raising the Ire Of An American 4th Grade Teacher

ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE DDA Mailroom I touched at least one ‘nerve’ with my article If only you knew how dangerous the children are in Gaza. So, from the Dear Dirty America Mailroom,

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If Only You Knew How Violent the Children Are In Gaza

ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE Israel’s worst nightmare: children gearing up for war (editor’s note: in response to this article, see Raising

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