In the following video, Michele Bachmann claims that the essence of Occupy Wall Street it to have other people pay for their stuff. As astute an observation as that is
Tag "iowa ames straw poll"
Steve Kornacki argues the lack of Ron Paul coverage after he nearly tied for first place with Bachmann (the Queen of Rage) in the Ames straw poll doesn’t mean he
Tim Pawlenty spent millions to win voters in the Iowa Ames straw poll, but ended up coming in a ‘disappointing’ third — which wouldn’t be that disappointing if Pawlenty truly
Michael Segers commented: Now, she’s getting ready to save us from the Renaissance –, reality is even stranger than this blog. If you’re interested in Buddhism, chasing unicorns, recipes
Howard Fineman reports on the Iowa Ames straw poll: Michele Bachmann is pulling out all the stops: Randy Travis is