Dear Dirty America

Tag "alex jones infowars"

The Russian Alex Jones? An American Meteor?

Are shady elements within the U.S. government responsible for the alleged meteor strike in Russia today? One little line toward the bottom of the report: Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a nationalist leader

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The Erosion of Civil Liberties Began Under Bush, & Has Accelerated Under Obama

American Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist, Chris Hedges, gives Alex Jones the very bleak reality of president Barack Obama’s administration. Starting around the 8 minute mark, he lists how Obama’s

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North Dakota vs Texas: Who Will Be the First to Shoot Down A Domestic Drone?

DEAR DIRTY NEWSWIRE BISMARCK, ND — After a misleading news article title out of Texas, published at the popular alternative news site, Infowars, about the first spy drones having been shot

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Impeach Obama: the People Are Getting Restless

Or so it seems, judging by this work of art in my Los Angeles neighborhood: The picture is a little blurry, but it reads: IMPEACH OBAMA NDAA=MARTIAL LAW WWW.INFOWARS.COM

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The Bill that Threatens Impeachment of Obama

ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE Los Angeles Republican representative Walter B Jones (NC, 3rd district) introduced legislation that would threaten impeachment of

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