Jews & Muslims: Google’s Double Standard Policy for Removing Hateful Videos
September 25
In relation to the massive uproar caused by the “Innocence of Muslims” film trailer, Esam al-Amin writes of Google’s double standard policy in removing incendiary videos from YouTube:
In the private sector, when Google was asked to remove the highly inflammatory YouTube video, it immediately and correctly cited its long established policy of supporting freedom of speech, including all despised speech (though it reluctantly agreed to suspend it in Egypt and Libya.) But as the Jewish Press reported on August 1, Google had no problem removing 1,710 videos and closing their affiliated accounts because “A substantial number of those videos concerned Holocaust denial and defense of Holocaust deniers.” According to the newspaper report, Google “closed the user’s account within 24 hours” of receiving the complaint by a group that monitors anti-Semitism in Australia.In July 2011, Facebook was pressured by Israeli authorities to close the accounts of many Palestinian activists. Israel complained that the activists were coordinating their plans to travel to Israel and cause disruptions. In reality, the activists were trying to make a strong political statement online. Needless to say, the Israeli government could have easily rescinded any visas it might have issued to these activists or prevented any person from entering the country had they actually traveled. There was no call for incitement or violence by the activists to justify closing their accounts.
The solution is not to get Google to remove more videos that people find offensive, but instead to highlight the double standard of the decisions made about which videos are removed. Why is Israel so much more influential over Google? Why is a Holocaust denial film more incendiary than a cheap hack job of the Prophet?
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