The Worldwide Financial Blockade On Julian Assange
Don’t shoot the messenger, just pressure every major financial institution to blackball him |
As our financial institutions become larger and more powerful, more consolidated and global, they gain the ability to be above the law. People like JPMorgan Chase’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, defend humongous financial institutions as a necessity for equally large and complicated businesses and global marketplaces. But what’s happening to WikiLeaks’ founder, Julian Assange, is reminiscent of a “1984” scenario, and may be the first pangs of a birth that will usher in this new world, and new global authoritarian society.
Whether or not you’re a fan of Julian Assange, the implications of a global banking cartel, all interconnected and all-powerful, should be frightening.
Here’s what gave me chills:
Phillip Adams: Julian, I’m talking about your personal bank account which was shut down. I understand that you’re now technically bankrupt. Your bank accounts have been closed, many people associated with you have lost their jobs, even some who were quite indirectly connected. You’ve been… You’re under the hammer, aren’t you?
Julian Assange: Yes. I’ve been declared a PEP, a politically exposed person, and that means in practice that I can’t open any bank accounts. So they have to go through extra steps to do that. There’s a worldwide financial blockade completely outside the law by Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, American Express, Moneybookers, Western Union, Bank of America – all US organizations. They closed my Swiss accounts that we were using publicly to raise legal defence money and my personal ability to move money – even as far back as September 2010 – from Australia into Sweden, was also blocked on the network. The Vienna to Australian blacklist, a US watch-list, at that time, back in 2010.
Some people consider Assange a criminal, especially the United States government, but imagine a world where political dissent equals a total shutdown of your ability to live within any society. If you’re targeted by those major institutions, where would you go, what would you do, to survive? If Assange broke the law, then charge him and take him to trial, but he still must have access to his finances, and the means to defend himself.
Assange is probably one of the biggest names out there in the political dissent game. If our major Western financial powerhouses can get away with blocking someone like him, I imagine for them to do it to future political dissidents or groups will only get easier, with less hassle, and less outcry from the general public.
What is the price of being a Western dissident? If you see Assange as a humanitarian who has exposed the American empire’s penchant for war and torture, and their backhanded support and installment of corrupt Middle Eastern dictators, then you might cringe and despair over ever redeeming our country from the surveillance state, the police state, and its constant feeding into the global War on Terror.
The sneaking militarization of police
The surveillance society: one nation under CCTV
Lyle Shove-It, Hollywood’s famous bum & oracle, talks of WikiLeaks, and leaks in general
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