Nikola Tesla Is My Kind of ‘Rockstar’
Watch an inspiring video about Nikola Telsa
From the Franklin Institute:
While walking with a friend at sunset, reciting poetry by Goethe, a spasm of revelation struck Tesla. He stood transfixed, explaining how an AC motor would work. The vision he outlined in minute detail had surfaced spontaneously in response to the questions he had asked himself back in 1875. Tesla later described his visualization powers with the example that he would envisage a design in meticulous detail, then return to the retained image days or weeks later and be able to examine it for wear as if it had been running during the intervening period.
Tesla was able to convert his dreams to reality. In a rented machine shop, he built the solid version of the dynamo he had preserved in his mind’s eye during the previous year. The model worked beautifully.
The Handsome Family has a song about him and his pigeons –