Hitler as American Schoolmarm ctd
I think another element many people who make this ‘Christ back into schools’ argument forget (or maybe don’t even realize) is that there’s a whole gamut of subtleties and nuances to individual Christian belief; is a teacher proposing Calvinism to otherwise Baptist children? Does Christ the Son come through the Father, or both the Father and Holy Spirit? Are Catholics actually Christians, and is it okay to hear their thoughts on intercession of the saints? And what of Mormons?
Minor threads though they may seem, they get brought up often enough at parochial school PTA meetings (in fits of rage, no less; totally a personal anecdote, there) give one pause and wonder why, in fact, religious nuance was taken out of schools to begin with. And then the home-school and (marginally practiced) un-schooling trends have their own substantial drawbacks for the ‘most precious resource,’ as children develop into educated, socially-functional adults (or not).
Public school is a system ostensibly set up for the purpose of providing a free, universally standardized educational foundation for young Americans. That certain elements have been removed from it over time reflect a process of trial and error. Christian supremacy and indoctrination in schools is one of those errors.
Be sure to check out Dan Rudy’s wisdom at Rudian Days
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