The Ghetto Bird is haunting my area — can’t work with that constant thwup thwup thwup and a light bright enough to make Satan squint
What could be the problem? Who knows? Some rogue peasant from Koreatown wandered across the line and started peddling a drug cut with a veterinarian elixir; a homeless man was seen digging through the trash looking for an organic half-rotten sandwich (no meat for me, boss); a grey-haired pedophile humping underage tail in the backseat of his rocking Mercedes; teenagers kicking the glass windows out of local Olympic Blvd businesses.
These are all possibilities. But I hope the bad guy(s) get away tonight. I’m in no mood for anybody to get arrested. Tonight, Los Angeles is letting all delinquents go free and pardoning all criminals. Our jails are too full anyway. Let it ride. Let it ride.
Muzzle that Ghetto Bird and let those cruisers rest. Give em all a tune up and make the Bird eat less meat and more vegetables. Better yet, starve that thwuping bastard.
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