Dear Dirty America

Tag "starbucks"

Starbucks Speeding Up Time, Rushing Us Toward the Apocalypse?

    Starbucks Speeding Up Time, Rushing Us Toward the Apocalypse?

ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE Escondido, CA Nobody’s saying Starbucks is working to bring the Antichrist into physical existence, which is what you might have garnered from the title, with that hideous

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Hollywood’s Most Famous Bum & Oracle Causes Commotion In Local Coffee Shop

    Hollywood’s Most Famous Bum & Oracle Causes Commotion In Local Coffee Shop

I hadn’t seen Hollywood’s most famous bum and oracle, Lyle Shove-It, since this summer’s NSA scandal. He’d pushed in his shopping cart his entire accumulation of material possessions. The shopping

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