Dear Dirty America

Tag "free syrian army"

A Peace Prize Like A Millstone

    A Peace Prize Like A Millstone

Most people like to be rewarded for their efforts. Most people like to receive a prize. Yet some prizes must turn into a goddamned nuisance, like President Barack Obama’s Nobel

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American People Wary of Syrian Intervention: Will Obama Listen?

    American People Wary of Syrian Intervention: Will Obama Listen?

A few days ago the media finally found something less popular than both cockroaches and the United States Congress. The official report: When the heavy majority of American people continue

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Contemplating A Military Strike: Do You Even Know Where Syria Is?

    Contemplating A Military Strike: Do You Even Know Where Syria Is?

And the media is off to the races in promoting a military strike on Syria and Assad’s forces. I caught about ten minutes of an NPR radio broadcast weighing the

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Awaiting the Worst: Officials Fear John McCain Given Death Tap in Syria

    Awaiting the Worst: Officials Fear John McCain Given Death Tap in Syria

PULP WIRE Senator John McCain made headlines when he sneaked across Turkey’s border into Syria to meet with the leaders of the Free Syrian Army. The senator is the highest

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