Dear Dirty America

Tag "book of shards"

Nothing to Be Gained

    Nothing to Be Gained

JOHN BENNETT There’s nothing to be gained from memories. Nothing to be gained from making plans. Nothing to be gained from slicking your hair back getting the knot in your

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Puppet Dance

    Puppet Dance

JOHN BENNETT (spawned by Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story) Look beyond the obvious for the answers.Look past the dreams of your forefathers into their monkey brain deeper into the reptilian brain

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The State of the Nation

JOHN BENNETT   photo by Jonathan McIntosh Some window  cleaning accounts  that don’t  pay:  AT&T  Verizon  Fred Meyer.  When I  ran it  past a  collection agency  they smiled  & said  their

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Independence Dependence

JOHN BENNETT       Four dead in O-hio. Six million dead in Cambodia. Carnage on the freeway, carnage in the coal mines, big-breasted babes singing Wagner in Carnegie Hall.

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The Survival Meal

JOHN BENNETT (reprinted from The Book of Shards)A little man lives in my head. He gives orders. He overrides considerations.

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Imagining A World W/O TV

JOHN BENNETT The best way to use your TV? (reprinted from The Book of Shards) Not only can I imagine

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Brave Media


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