New Poll Suggests Obama’s Tied with Himself
Credit: Robert Lawton |
Trumpeted throughout the land, and as a special report blasted to millions of smart phones around the nation, it’s been reported:
A CBS News/New York Times poll released Wednesday found Romney and Obama tied at 46 percent support apiece among registered voters. the margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
The real margin of error in this study is the assumption that anybody really supports either of those sadistic clowns. Who are these supporters, and who’s being asked? I don’t get any survey phone calls asking me how I feel about Obama or Romney (actually, instead of or I should use and because, fundamentally, they make a pair, and there is no difference between the two, except skin color.)
I may tromp around in small social circles, but most of the people I know hate both sides. They see both parties as one savage, ugly, out of control bureaucracy. Most people I know wish the GOP would strangle itself with its own long, limber cock, and that the Dems would do the same to themselves with their pampered jelly spines.
That way the single bulbous head of government, fed by Wall Street and foreign banks, would turn red, then blue, and then give way to something fresher, greener, and from the ground up.
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