Dirty Pizza Man
October 17
The Huffington Post reports:
Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain has cast himself as the outsider, the pizza magnate with real-world experience who will bring fresh ideas to the nation’s capital. But Cain’s economic ideas, support and organization have close ties to two billionaire brothers who bankroll right-leaning causes through their group Americans for Prosperity.Cain’s campaign manager and a number of aides have worked for Americans for Prosperity, or AFP, the advocacy group founded with support from billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, which lobbies for lower taxes and less government regulation and spending. Cain credits a businessman who served on an AFP advisory board with helping devise his “9-9-9” plan to rewrite the nation’s tax code. And his years of speaking at AFP events have given the businessman and radio host a network of loyal grassroots fans.
Mr 9-9-9 is more like an insider for Brothers 666. The billionaire Kochs who continually try to undercut union labor and actively send hundreds of thousands of jobs overseas. But gee whiz, they’re good businessmen.
Herman Cain’s Giant Pizza Oven, Where All Nasty NYPD Officers Go
Herman Cain should be covered with cheese and stuffed in a box
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