Straighten Up, You Pussy! – Men Aren’t Men Anymore ctd
From Piss In My Cheerios:
TO MEN: God damnit you fucktards. MAN UP! We want manly men! We don’t want to have to deal with your emotional baggage! We want you to deal with ours! If ya’ll are gonna start becoming pussys on us, …..I at least want to be paid more than you. Jesus Christ….its a good thing James Brown is dead….or he would have to rewrite the lyrics to “Its a Man’s World”. I want a man who is gonna protect me, and take care of me. And occasionally, put his wiener in me. Not his vagina. So god damnit guys, wipe your fuckin tears, drink a beer, and go work on your car or something.
What’s so damned impressive with this excerpt from the blog about inviting others to piss in your cereal is its intelligent use of profanity. I do enjoy the James Brown reference.
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