Geithner: Standard & Poor’s Showed "Terrible Fucking Judgment"
August 08
The mainstream media always employs the “Geithner shield” when quoting the United States Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner. After former Obama adviser Christine Romer said America is “pretty darn fucked” on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, she also said Geithner swears like a seventh grade boy.So, in the pursuit of journalistic integrity, I will remove the “Geithner shield” so you can hear what America’s Treasury Sec really sounded like when he discussed the S&P’s decision to downgrade American credit:
They’ve [fucking] handled themselves very [fucking] poorly. And they’ve shown a stunning [fucking] lack of [goddamned] knowledge about the basic [fucking] U.S. fiscal [fucking] budget math. —taken from Huffington Post (without the mainstream media “Geithner shield”)
Geithner also said U.S. Treasury securities are as safe now as ever before, despite the S&P downgrade. He also believes China will still continue to remain a strong buyer of U.S. government debt. Yeah fucking right!
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