Dear Dirty America


Bizarre Gaddafi Photo Album Found in Condoleezza Rice’s Home

August 26
05:27 2011
Family members of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice say they were shocked and confused to find at least one photo album filled with pictures of Muammar Gaddafi, the recently toppled Libyan dictator, while they helped Rice move out of her home. The family said they knew Condoleezza often talked in a “loving” way about Libya’s former leader, but they had no idea to what extent she admired him.

Ricardo Stuckert/PR

“We were confused. We said, ‘This is bizarre,’ when we opened the album. We didn’t know Condie had such an obsession with such a bewildering man. I mean, he can’t even dress normal,” one anonymous female family member said.

Another Rice family member recalled an “out of left field” speech of admiration Condoleezza gave during a Thanksgiving dinner in 2007 about how much she adored the Libyan leader’s sunglasses and hat. “She called his dress ‘charming’ and ‘quietly intoxicating’. We thought she was joking at the time, but apparently she wasn’t.”

In 2008, Gaddafi visited Washington D.C. in a monumental attempt at hammering out broiling differences between the two respective nations. Rice, who was Sec of State at the time, had a private dinner with the Libyan dictator. It is reported she showered Gaddafi with multiple pairs of expensive sunglasses, various pairs of Superman bikini briefs, and six gallons of expensive perfume.

Gaddafi’s gift-giving was less impressive. He gave Rice an old dinner plate with the Libyan seal encrusted in the center. Rice’s family members recalled how upset Condoleezza was to have been shunned by someone so special. “All in all,” Rice said in 2008, “the meeting with Muammar was historic.”

This puts a whole new spin to the question: What if you came home to find Gaddafi in your bed?

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