Dear Dirty America


Air France Flight 447 Fell Out of Sky Due to Inexperienced Pilots?

July 30
01:31 2011
From Blue Planet News (someday I’m going to start my own website called Red Planet News — not because I’m want to be thought of as a communist, but rather as a martian):

The newest report from the French investigation bureau BEA finds that confusion rained in the cockpit as the doomed Air France flight 447 fell out of the [sky].

 Ivana Kvesic writes:

The French Accident Investigation Bureau (BEA) report gives an insight into the final moments before the crash and determines that the reason for the Airbus A330 accident was a combination of confusion, malfunction, and bad weather. 

Nevertheless, the BEA finds that ultimately the situation was “salvageable.” 

The crash occurred when the plane experienced an imminent aerodynamic stall in high altitude, which is when the wings of an aircraft can no longer support it….  

The aircraft lost wing support in a sudden thunder storm while the 52-year-old captain was on a rest period.  

The two co-pilots, in charge of the aircraft during the moments before its fatal crash, alarmingly were not trained properly to deal with the high altitude emergency, which led to a stalling of the plane that could not be recovered. 


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