ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE The tall, lean black dude with the shiny bald head was getting a little agitated as he stood in a long line at the coffee shop waiting
Tag "CIA"
First the investment bankers were taking dives off their high rise buildings in what seemed like an act of self-justice. Much of the world was titillated over this. Violence for
It’s for good reason that Southern Californians overwhelmingly believe that Saddam Hussein, the former gluttonous dictator of Iraq, is still alive and haunting unsuspecting Los Angeles neighborhoods. I even saw
DAN RUDY When a regular fellow does it, it’s called hit and run. But when an American embassy official does, it’s called diplomatic immunity.Stunned to read today the misadventure of
ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE Los Angeles Being a true liberal is unpopular, but compromising with the system is much more pleasant
There may be no conspiracy here. A predator drone probably didn’t take out Michael Hastings. The CIA or the FBI
ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE Los Angeles As I’d suspected early on when Edward Snowden, NSA whistle blower, became a celebrity after
PULP WIRE NEW YORK – Standing before the GigaOM’s Structure:Data conference in New York, the Central Intelligece Agency’s chief technology
ADAM MICHAEL LUEBKE Los Angeles by Boris Rasin Newt Gingrich is tying the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting to the act